
Name Authored on

Testimony of Daniel W. Lucas before the Committee on Government Operations and Facilities - OIG FY 2023 Budget Oversight Hearing (March 25, 2022)


Testimony of Daniel W. Lucas before the Committee on Government Operations and Facilities - FY 2021 Performance Oversight Hearing (February 10, 2022)


Testimony of Daniel W. Lucas on the FY 2021 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (February 3, 2022)


Testimony of Daniel W. Lucas before the Committee on Government Operations and Facilities: Public Oversight Roundtable on Emergency Procurements During the Public Health Emergency


Testimony of Daniel W. Lucas before the Committee on Government Operations and Facilities: Public Hearing on Bill 24-0129, the “Inspector General Enhancement Act of 2021


Testimony of Daniel W. Lucas before the Committee on Government Operations and Facilities:   OIG FY 2022 Budget Oversight Hearing


Testimony of Daniel W. Lucas before the Committee on Government Operations and Facilities at the OIG’s Performance Oversight Hearing


Testimony of Daniel W. Lucas before the Committee of the Whole: Public Oversight Hearing on the Fiscal Year 2020 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR)Testimony of Daniel W. Lucas before the Committee of the Whole: Public Oversight Hearing on the Fiscal Year 2020 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR)


Testimony of Inspector General Lucas Before the Council of the District of Columbia Committee on Government Operations: Budget Oversight Hearing FY 2021


IG Testimony Before the Committee of the Whole -- FY 2019 CAFR
